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Welcome to "The One"!

My dear friends,
As a diocese, we are embarking on what I believe is an audacious invitation by the Holy Spirit to foster a true and lasting renewal of our local Church. I call it “The One” because it is the single greatest priority we will embrace as a diocesan family in the years ahead. “The One” is our commitment to renew the ecclesial culture of our Church and to bring every believer closer to the Lord Jesus. We will achieve this goal by creating a variety of opportunities to encounter the Lord’s power and love while fostering small communities of faith that will accompany and support its members on their faith journeys.
A key objective is to enhance ongoing communication among everyone in leadership, and indeed among all of the faithful. Such communication will be both informational and formational; that is, provide information about ongoing opportunities to encounter the Lord through truth, beauty, and goodness, as well as provide materials to deepen our understanding and appreciation of what a renewed culture of “evangelizing catechesis” really means. Such sustained communication is essential for our work to succeed.
Our work to rebuild a vibrant, faithful, and transformative Catholic culture has begun in earnest. Please join me in prayer, through the intercession of Mary the Mother of God, that our work will bear great fruit in the years ahead.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano
Bishop of Bridgeport

Beauty Is Who God Is

Seeds of Beauty

Whenever we see something that provokes a sense of awe and wonder within us, we are, in fact, gazing upon God. Our ability to discern beauty doesn’t need to serve any practical end: it’s simply because we are made in God’s image that we can discover Him in the things He has made. For this reason, the Guild of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus exists – to foster the experience of beauty in our Diocese.
The Guild seeks to showcase ‘the art of the possible’ – discerning excellence in a broad array of creative projects – all of whose aim is to inspire the Arts in our Catholic life. As such, the Guild is a key component of ‘The One’, exploring various ways to promote an encounter with Christ – and following up such encounters with a community of like-minded people.

Let Me Be Frank

Bishop Caggiano's Podcast

Listen to epiosdes of Bishop Frank's podcast that focus on "The One" as a topic for discussion.

March 5, 2025
The Church Fathers, Immigration, & Lent (w/ Rod Bennett)

February 26, 2025
George Cardinal Pell (w/ his personal friend Tess Livingstone)

Catholic Chat

Artificial Intelligence has been all over the news lately. Screen writers in Hollywood are on strike, in part, because they do not want computers auto-generating scripts. Educators worry about students using AI to create content instead of doing their own homework. Corporations are afraid workers will let AI complete tasks assigned to employees. Most of us, however, have more to worry about than whether AI will replace us.
I believe there is a flip side to the argument. Artificial Intelligence can be used for good. If used wisely, AI can interface with documents, websites, and texts so the user can interact with the words on the page more than ever before.
Enter Catholic Chat, a web app that provides an interactive and engaging opportunity for users seeking answers from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Future and Present Church

Small Group Opportunities

"The One" is our commitment to focusing every aspect of the Church on bringing individuals closer to God. We achieve this goal by creating opportunities for encountering God and fostering communities that accompany and support each other on their faith journeys. Throughout our diocese, communities of young adults are coming together, exemplifying what "The One" is all about.

The Face of Prayer

Moments of Grace

Imagine standing in the kitchen of your home, arguing with your spouse. Like every couple, you have had arguments before, but this one seems different. As you stand there contemplating your future, your phone buzzes.
It is a text from The Face of Prayer. You read it.
May we always be the first to forgive. Hail Mary…
A calm comes over you. The fight is over. You laugh with your spouse about how one text can change everything.

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