STRATFORD—St. Mark School in Stratford recently hosted their 8th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Cut-A-Thon. Students and faculty dressed in pink as they rallied together to raise awareness in the fight against breast cancer.
Stratford’s Jade Salon transported their services to the school’s auditorium and donated their time and products as they have for the past six years.
Eleven boys shaved their heads and four girls cut about a yard of hair collectively to donate it to make wigs for women fighting cancer. Additionally, 45 pink synthetic hair extensions were purchased by students to promote the cause.
A total of $2,460 was collected by St. Mark School and Jade Salon. All proceeds were donated to the Elizabeth Pfriem SWIM Cancer Center at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Bridgeport. Lyn McCarthy, Executive Director of the St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation, was onsite to accept the donation check. McCarthy personally thanked the students for their continued efforts in supporting breast cancer awareness. “I look forward to coming to St. Mark every year to witness this school’s selfless acts of kindness,” she added.
Scott Clough, the new principal of St. Mark School, remarked, “I am proud to be part of such an amazing and caring community that knows the power of giving to those who are less fortunate than ourselves.”
In the past 8 years, St. Mark School along with Jade Salon has donated over $18,000 to the SWIM Cancer Center.
Recognized nationally as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, St. Mark School continues to turn their blue ribbon pink every October in an effort to raise breast cancer awareness.