BRIDGEPORT—Writer and Catholic scholar John Iannone, a Holy Shroud of Turin expert, will offer a presentation on the burial cloth of Jesus on Thursday, March 15, 6:30 pm at the Cathedral, 399 Washington Avenue. It is open to all free of charge.
Mr. Iannone’s talk will explore questions such as, What do modern blood and DNA studies reveal? Are there images of flowers and pollen on the Holy Shroud that trace its history? What do pathologists say about the wounds and the weapons that created them?
These questions as well as new forensic scientific and historical evidence are discussed in this free on—hour intriguing presentation supporting the authenticity of the Holy Shroud of Turin presented with many colorful PowerPoint slides.
“No Cloth In History Has Been So Studied As The Holy Shroud, nor has any cloth so caught the fascination and reverence of the world. Is it the ancient Burial Cloth of JESUS, a Visual Gospel providing in its fabric the story of his Passion and Resurrection,“ said Fr. John Ringley, Pastor of the Cathedral parish.
Mr. John Iannone, is a Catholic writer and lecturer who has studied the Holy Shroud of Turin Burial Cloth of Jesus since 1978 and has presented over 350 lectures at Churches and Universities of all denominations around the US, Canada and Rome. Mr. Iannone earned an MA at the Catholic University in Religious Studies, Fordham University and Union Theological Seminary in NY and has published three books which include “The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin: The Case for Authenticity” 2013.
He has appeared on EWTN, PBS—New Orleans, Radio Broadcasts which include a talk on Vatican Radio as Pope Francis closed out the Holy Shroud Exhibition on June 21-22, 2015 in Turin, Italy.
On April 14, 2016 and March 2, 2017 Mr. Iannone delivered captivating presentations at St. Patrick’s Cathedral with the support of His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Monsignor Robert Ritchie, Cathedral Rector.