Prayer, Love, Support and Supplies

NORWALK— A truck driven by St. Matthew pastor Msgr. Walter Orlowski is bound for Texas “loaded with prayer, love, support and supplies.”
Scores of St. Matthew parishioners volunteered over the weekend to help sort donations given from Catholic churches in the area to help out Hurricane Harvey victims.

St. Matthew’s pastor, Msgr. Walter Orlowski is behind the wheel of the first of three trucks expected to leave for Texas in the coming week.

“It was an amazing sight. In just two days, one giant Penske truck was filled to the brim and another about one half full,” said Ellen McGinness, director of Communications for Catholic Charities and a member of St. Matthew Parish.

With a truck full of supplies Msgr. Walter left at 3 am for Rosenberg TX tonight and St. Matthew’s “adopted” parish Our Lady of Guadalupe, which has been hit very hard by Harvey.

Fr. Lee Flores , pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, told Msgr. Orlowski that the Church has lost everything—it’s near the Brazos River and was under 5 feet of water at the height of the storm.

At Mass yesterday, Msgr thanked Bishop Frank Caggiano and Catholic Charities executive Al Barber for their support of this effort and their ongoing response to the needs of the poor throughout the diocese.

“May God, the Lord of mercy and compassion, protect all who are still in danger, and bring to safety those who are missing,” Msgr. Orlowski said he said.

McGinness said that St Matthew’s will be taking donations all week, and doors will be open all day to accept donations. Of particular need: CLOROX, CLOROX AND MORE CLOROX!! masks, rubber gloves, and canned food.

For more information, contact: St. Matthew Parish:
Saint Matthew Church
216 Scribner Avenue
Tel: 203.838.3788 | Fax: 203.838.8195 | Email:
Pastor: Msgr. Walter C. Orlowski, KCHS