NORWALK—Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick 4th Assembly #100 has been awarded the Supreme Council’s Star Assembly Award for 2019-2020 fraternal year. The Assembly is comprised of Fourth Degree Knights from various councils in Norwalk, Wilton, New Canaan, Weston and Westport. The Assembly was presented with the award at the Connecticut District Masters meeting which was held at St Pius X Parish Fairfield on March 13.
“As the district master, it was my honor and privilege to award the Supreme Council’s Star Assembly Award to the Bishop Fenwick Assembly #100 from Norwalk. This award is validation of all the good works the Assembly has done in the past fraternal year especially in patriotic and civic programs,” said KofC CT District Master Kevin Donovan.
The Supreme Star Assembly Award is presented as a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified in the patriotic activities conducted, by excelling in membership recruitment, reporting to the Supreme Council office and keeping their members and others informed of assembly activities.
“Our #1 goal as an Assembly is to promote patriotism, support our veterans and defend our Catholic faith,” said Faithful Navigator George Ribellino, Jr. He went on to say, “I am so proud of all our members for their hard work and support of Bishop Fenwick Assembly #100.”
Assembly #100 is regularly active in such events as Columbus Day festivities, raising money for Veterans’ organizations including Homes for the Brave, American Legion and Fisher House CT, and paying tribute to those men and women who have and still protect our freedoms in the United States. In addition, the Assembly has been assisting the local community during the pandemic by hosting food drives, sending food to the first responders and medical professionals and donating cribs to Malta House. Malta House is the only home for pregnant women above the age of 18 in Fairfield County, and one of a limited number of programs for young mothers experiencing homelessness and their babies. The Assembly assists the youth in the city of Norwalk by donating to the Norwalk Public Safety Cadets.
“The worthy Sir Knights of Bishop Fenwick Assembly #100 have been a remarkable presence at Homes for the Brave all year long. They are very deserving of this recognition as they have done everything from deliver meals to our Veterans on major holidays to donating food and toiletries to contributing to and participating in our fundraising events,” said Homes for the Brave CEO Vince Santilli.
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