How Our Prayers Help Souls

Norwalk, CT — More than 300 people attended the outdoor All Souls Day Mass held at St. John Cemetery in Norwalk. Under a brilliant sun, with blue skies and spring-like temperatures, the faithful joined in prayer for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed.

“When someone passes, the first thing we’re told to do is to pray. How does prayer work? The Church teaches that prayer is sanctifying,” said Fr. Jeff Couture, Pastor of St. Matthew Church on Scribner Avenue, who officiated at the outdoor graveside Mass.

“So every time we pray for a soul we help sanctify that soul. Sanctifying grace is a grace to heal, to perfect and to purify the soul. When we pray for a soul, we’re participating in God’s power to sanctify them and heal them. We’re conferring grace on them. Isn’t that an awesome thought? To think that we’re actually helping grace move in the soul. We do that when we pray.”

Two more aspects of praying for the dead include the communal and healing nature of prayer. “Because we are baptized, we have the power to communicate with our Heavenly Father, and with those who have died. Jesus gave that to us. So when we pray, we’re having a conversation with them.”

“When I talk to kids, I tell them they must pray to their loved ones who have passed, because not praying for them is like ignoring them when they were alive.”

Fr. Jeff emphasized that while sanctifying grace heals the soul we’re praying for, it actually helps us, too. “When we pray for somebody, the prayer heals the wound of grief and transforms it into a version of hope.”

“This is why we’re here today. To help sanctify the souls we pray for, to communicate with them, but to also find healing in those prayers,” Fr Jeff concluded.

As people processed out, Diocesan cemetery personnel distributed long-stem red and white carnations to place on the graves of loved ones. They also distributed blessed Holy Water bottles from Lourdes to each attendee. After the Mass, Fr. Jeff led a rosary procession through the cemetery.

Story and photos by Ann Yannetti