Over my 31 years as a deacon, the Lord has blessed me with many varied opportunities to serve Him at the Altar and to serve the people of God through my ministry. I have spent my ministry at two parishes during that time. One parish was a national Italian church in the inner city of Bridgeport and the other was a very large territorial parish in Fairfield. Each parish was a unique experience that helped to enhance my diaconate and helped me to grow spiritually
As a Parish Deacon, I assisted at Masses, preached, and visited the sick and homebound with the Eucharist. I have baptized over 800 children, witnessed over 100 marriages, and shared in the happiest and saddest moments with my parishioners.
I have had the opportunity to lead Bible studies, teach in our Catholic school, lead prayer services, prepare couples for marriage, help couples through the annulment process and to simply be available to sit and pray with the young and old in the parishes where I serve and within the larger community.
In 2003 as the spiritual leader, I accompanied our Youth Group on a mission trip to Jamaica where we ministered to homeless people who lived on the garbage dump in Kingston. After Katrina hit the Gulf coast the Youth Group traveled to Biloxi Mississippi where we assisted a family whose home needed to be rebuilt. Many of these kids who are now adults still reminisce about those trips and the spiritual growth they experience.
I have been invited to participate in many interfaith community activities such as memorial services and prayer services. Now that I am semi-retired and have more free time, I have begun a new ministry as a volunteer hospital chaplain.
Perhaps for me personally, I have been fortunate enough to have officiated at the marriage of my son, baptized two of my grandchildren and baptized my first great-grandson.
I am so grateful to God for all that He has given me in my ministry.
By: Deacon Dan Ianniello