Giving now can help the Appeal reach goal

BRIDGEPORT—The 2022 Bishop’s Appeal, A Bridge Home has raised over $7.1 million and is at 88 percent of its $8.1 million goal to support vital new initiatives while continuing to feed the hungry, reach out to the most vulnerable, foster vocations and so much more to promote the life of faith in our diocese.

Over 12,700 parishioners have made a gift and in a recent video Bishop Frank J. Caggiano thanked all those who have given and asked those who have not yet participated in the campaign to consider making a gift.

“If you haven’t yet given, please join others who have already been so generous. It is important that we all participate. Christ urges us to come together as one family to help each other and those in need. Your gifts will give the Church the resources it needs to lead its healing mission and be a shining light of faith and service in Fairfield County,” he said.

The bishop said he is grateful that so many individuals and families have stepped up and given sacrificially to help others.

To date over 12,700, I moved this up and took this paragraph with the statistics out.

Pam Rittman, director of the Bishop’s Appeal, said that as the diocese nears its goal, it’s important to remember Bishop Caggiano’ s words about “building a bridge home for those who haven’t found their way back to the Church or who have not yet found the Lord.” She said through our friendship to our sisters and brothers in Christ and those we meet and interact with each day; we are helping to build the bridge in our Christian community.

“The bishop instructs us that the mission of the Church is to build vital and engaging communities of faith that draw others by their personal witness, compassion and charity. He has challenged us as one family in faith to build bridges to those who have questions, who may feel unwanted or left behind, and who are suffering and in need of our help,” she said.

Joe Gallagher, chief development officer of the diocese, said that making a gift by June 30 will send a strong message of support for the renewal efforts outlined by Bishop Caggiano and will help the diocese make its goal.

“The response to this year’s appeal has been very encouraging. I am grateful to all of the donors and to our leadership team. Kelly Anne and Dan Murphy, our chair couple, and Paula Summa and Jim O’Neill, our co-chair couple, who have worked tirelessly to build support for the Church’s mission of charity and evangelization,” Gallagher said.

Gallagher said a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal is an “investment in hope, renewal and evangelization” because it has an impact on so many lives in the diocese:

  • 1.3 million meals served to the working poor, homeless and food insecure served by Catholic Charities houses of hospitality.
  • 10,000 counseling sessions provided to help individuals and families cope during a time of crisis and uncertainty.
  • $2.5 million in tuition assistance for families seeking a Catholic elementary school education for their children.
  • Faith formation programs that encourage and inspire youth and young adult leadership and bring others back to the faith.
  • Funding for promising initiatives include diocesan Ambassadors, The Bridge, a mentoring program for young adults, and the Sacred Heart Guild, which will celebrate and inspire through the truth and beauty of Catholic tradition as discovered in sacred arts, music and culture.
  • Support for our seminarians and senior priests who continue to joyfully minister in our parishes.

Rittman said she expects parishioner donations to continue and is grateful for their generosity every year. They understand that supporting our diocese as well as their parish is part of their personal commitment to the Church in providing for its spiritual and material needs every year.

To make your gift online, please visit, or text the word, APPEAL, to 475.241.7849. If you have questions, please call 203.416.1470.