Foundations in Charity to merge into Foundations in Faith

Mission and financial support to Catholic Charities to remain the same in new organization

BRIDGEPORT—The boards of trustees for Foundations in Charity voted this week to merge into Foundations in Faith creating one larger charitable giving organization.  Both 501 C3 organizations have their own board of trustees and have functioned independently, with Foundations in Faith focusing on supporting diocesan pastoral care ministries and Foundations in Charity supporting Catholic Charities of Fairfield County.

Once the merger is complete, the  organization will continue to be called Foundations in Faith, and Kelly Weldon, currently serving as the Foundation’s Director, will continue in that role.

“Since their founding, both foundations have made an enormous contribution to the charitable and pastoral life of the Diocese. From providing the gift of faith formation to a new generation of young people to caring for the most vulnerable in our society, the foundations have provided innovative programs and necessary support to affirm accompaniment in our diocese,” said Bishop Frank J. Caggiano, who serves as the Member of both  foundations’ boards of trustees.

Anne McCrory, who currently chairs the Foundations in Charity board and is a director on the Foundations in Faith board of trustees said “Combining these two charitable giving organizations makes perfect sense. The support to Catholic Charities will remain the same, but overhead and administrative  costs will be reduced resulting in better stewardship overall.”

Kelly Weldon, Director of Foundations in Faith, said “We are excited to welcome Foundations in Charity into Foundations in Faith. The support they have provided to Catholic Charities since their founding in 2019 has been extraordinary, and we plan to make sure that continues.”

Foundations in Faith is committed to supporting and transforming pastoral ministries in the Diocese of Bridgeport by fostering a spirit of accompaniment and encounter in our Church, providing grants for innovators in our parishes, and funding key pastoral ministries ranging from Evangelization, Faith Formation, Catholic and Special Education, priestly formation and support, and beyond. Going forward, it will incorporate the specific charitable giving goals from Foundations in Charity as well. For a quick look at Foundations in Faith charitable giving and impact, click here.

Foundations in Charity was created specifically to support the work of Catholic Charities. Through Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, Foundations in Charity has provided funding to programs that feed the hungry and homebound, shelter the homeless, strengthen families, assist the physically and emotionally challenged, and deliver assistance to immigrants. Catholic Charities is one of the largest social service providers in Connecticut, and the annual funding earmarked for their important work in Bridgeport Diocese will continue to be provided for, now through Foundations in Faith. For a better understanding of the vital work Catholic Charities of Fairfield County carries out, click here.

Foundations in Faith is located at the Catholic Center, 238 Jewett Avenue, Bridgeport, CT. For information on the many giving opportunities that support the mission of the Church, evangelization and charitable works in Fairfield County, contact: Kelly Weldon at Kelly.weldon@foundationsinfaith. For broader giving opportunities in the Diocese of Bridgeport, please contact Joe Gallagher at