Ain Karim
Local Contact
Monika Nawrocka
Tel: (203) 334-1822
Basic Charism
Renewal in the Holy Spirit by serving others through prayer
Local Contact
Jean Benitez
Tel: (203)655-5122
Peter Roux
Basic Charism
Parish Renewal, Evangelization and Outreach
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
International website
National Website
Local Contacts
Apostolate – Diocese of Bridgeport, CT
Charismatic Renewal Office
Diocese of Bridgeport
Danbury, CT
Rev. Lawrence F. Carew
Tel: (203) 268-8253 or (203) 770-6246
Spanish Charismatic Renewal
Coordinator: Manuel Xitamul
Tel: (203) 898-1212
Spiritual Director: Rev. Arthur Mollenhauer
Misionero Laicos del Padre Fantino
Fr. Rolando Torres
Tel: (203) 334-8811
Email: or
Marelin Cepeza
Tel: (203) 618-4550
Olga Serna
Tel: (203) 561-3123
Haitian Apostolate
Fr. Frantz Desruisseaux
Tel: (203) 852-7126 or (203) 838-4171
Fr. Jean Rony
Tel: (203) 449-7122
Basic Charism
Catholic Charismatic Renewal is an apostolate inviting all people to experience the Holy Spirit who opens us to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and His love of the Father. The Holy Spirit empowers us for personal holiness, renewed Catholic life and evangelization.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
International website
Local Website
Local Contact
Amy Stavola, State Regent
Tel: (203) 929-0753
Spiritual Advisor
Sr. M. Arlene Vannie, RSM
State Regent
Gail Krasinski
First Vice State Regent
Elizabeth A. Arena
Second Vice State Regent
Linda Louise LaCasse
State Treasurer
Susan Socci
Basic Charism
Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. Our motto is “Unity and Charity”. We love and support the Church and participate in social and charitable activities. We are a work force for your parish and community and we can assist in many ways.
Catholic War Veterans of the USA
Local Contact
Raymond J. Bower Post Aux. 1466
40 Alfred St.
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Janet Sparks
Tel: (203)333-9708 or (203) 877-3920
Gail Fredrics
Basic Charism
Catholic War Veterans and their Auxiliary support Active Duty personnel and Military Chaplains worldwide, and veterans here at home in the United States. Our organization’s motto is “For God, For Country, For Home”
Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice (CAPP)
International website
National Website
Local Contact
Dr. Ralph Burke
Tel: (203) 255-5335
Robert Nalewajek
Tel: (888) 448-4788
Basic Charism
To have Catholic Social Teachings (CST) implemented in society through lay Catholic business, academic and professional leaders; to order and throw light upon all the affairs of the world in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially as contained in the Church’s social doctrine. Our mission is to evangelize lay leaders.
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
Local Contacts
John Barry, Chairman, Christ Renews His Parish
Tel: (203) 948-3535
Patrick Gorman
Tel: (203) 300-8237
Allen Hubbard
Tel: (203) 733-7669 or (203) 426-0446
Basic Charism
CRHP is a lay parish retreat and renewal movement. A CRHP retreat weekend takes place annually or semi-annually, hosted by a team of 10 parishioners. There are separate retreats for men and women. CRHP is a small Catholic community that reached parishioners in many different ways, especially by bringing parishioners closer to the Heart of Jesus, and through Him, to renew the parish.
Columbian Squires
Local Contact
Tom Vita
Tel: (203) 513-7221
Basic Charism
The Squires is designed to develop young men as leaders who understand their Catholic religion, who have a strong commitment to the Church and who are ready, willing and capable of patterning their lives after the Youth Christ.
Basic Charism
To promote the spiritual, social and charitable welfare of our members; To instill a steadfast conviction relating to the proper place and function of Catholic women in safeguarding the religious, civil and economic rights of all Catholics; To rely upon the intercession of St. Mary for guidance in guarding the common good, and to work through her, on loving and aiding all members of the human family and to give assistance to the Knights of Columbus in all their activities upon request.
Communion and Liberation
Local Contact
Mariotte and Brian Corson
Tel: (203) 426-9275
Basic Charism
The education to Christian maturity of its adherents and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all the spheres of contemporary life. We aim to communicate the awareness that Christ is the one true response to the deepest needs of people in every moment of history. It requires only that Christ be recognized as immediately present. The person who encounters and welcomes the presence of Christ undergoes a conversion that affects not only the individual but also the surrounding environment.
We focus on three things:
- the wonder of the Incarnation, an enthusiasm for it and a recognition of its reasonableness.
- the affirmation that Jesus of Nazareth is a present event in a sign of communion.
- only in his presence can man be truer and mankind be truly more human.
Cursillos in Christianity Movement
National Website
Local Website
Basic Charism
To proclaim the best news of the best reality: that God, in Christ, loves us.
Domestic Church Families
Local Contact
Harry and Bridget Bethray
Tel: (203) 247-4363
Fr. Sam Scott
St. Joseph’s Church, Danbury
Basic Charism
Domestic Church Couples and Families strive to practice the “7 Promises” in order to grow in their relationship with God and one another. The promises are basic principles of spiritual growth in the Catholic tradition specific to the vocation of marriage and family. Each family practices the 7 promises in order to grow in their spiritual life according to their particular needs and contexts.
Ein Karim
Monika Nawrocka
Tel: (914) 471-7561
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Regional Contact
Eastern Lieutenancy of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Sir Raymond Teatum, KGCHS
Tel: (212) 371-1050
Local Contact:
Sir Charles F. Chiusano, KCHS
Tel: (203) 254-1594
Basic Charism
Mandate from the Holy Father – to serve as witnesses to the Christian faith and to serve as supporters and protectors of the Church and the living Christian communities in the Holy Land.
International Website
National Website
Local Contact
Enrico Donzelli
Tel: (845) 229-0230
Basic Charism
To work cooperatively to build a more united world, following the inspiration of Jesus’ prayer to the Father ‘May they all be one’ (Jn 17:21), respecting and valuing diversity. Focusing on dialogue as a method, has a constant commitment to building bridges and relationships of fraternity among individuals, peoples and cultural worlds.
Knights of Columbus
National Website
Local Website
Publications: Columbia Magazine
Local Contact
State Deputy
Steve Bacon
Tel: (203) 380-0808
Patrick Donovan
Tel: (203) 268-1130
Basic Charism
To provide Catholic men 18 yrs. & older an opportunity to put their faith into practice through various charitable & religious programs under the Order’s principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Due to the vision of its founder, The Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney, the Knights of Columbus offers its members and their families’ financial protection through its highly rated fraternal insurance program.
Lay Fraternity of Saint Dominic
Local Contacts:
Mrs. Michelle Rowe, O.P.
Tel: (203) 218-6882
Mrs. Joan Cuomo, O.P.
Tel: (203) 215-0438
Basic Charism
Founded in 1285, the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic are composed of men and women who are fully incorporated members of the Order of Preachers and live out their vocation in the world. As members of the Order, they participate in its apostolic mission through prayer, study and preaching according to the state proper to the laity.
The local chapter, established at St. Theresa Church in Trumbull, is affiliated with the St. Mary Chapter in New Haven.
Lay Missionaries of Charity
International website
National Website
Local Contacts:
Kevin and Queta Donovan LMCs
Tel: (203) 426-2153
Basic Charism
To restore the domestic sanctuary of the family through prayer, dialogue and personal consecration. Our principal apostolate is Prayer.
Legion of Mary / Legionis Mariae
International website
National Website
Publications: Maria Legionis (published quarterly in English)
Local Contact
Bridgeport Curia
St Theresa Parish
5301 Main St
Trumbull, CT 06611
Spiritual Director
Rev. Martin deMayo
Tel: (203) 324-9544
Haitian Catholic Center, Stamford
Mother Mary Teacher
Tel: (203) 406-0343
Local Contacts
Our Lady of Sorrow Praesidium
The Basilica of St. John the Evangelist Church, Stamford
Scolastica Nabwire
Tel: (917) 975-2896
Holy Protection of Mother of God Praesidium
Sacred Heart Parish, Stamford
Daniel Adu Donkor
Tel: (347) 216-5342
Mary Immaculate Praesidium
Saint Theresa Parish, Trumbull
Marion Hinds
Tel: (203) 334-7207
Mary Cause of Joy Praesidium
St. Mary Parish, Norwalk
Emily Florio
Tel: (203) 210-7321
Our Lady of The Poor Praesidium
St. Mary Church, Stamford
Jose Bastardes
Tel: (919) 360-1154
Our Lady Queen of Peace Praesidium
St. Mary Church, Stamford
Guirlene Valbrun
Tel: (203) 252-0307
Mary Immaculate Praesidium
St. Charles Church, Bridgeport
Nancy Perez
Tel: (203) 583-5859
Basic Charism
To spread the Legion of Mary and the Catholic faith throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport; To assist Priests at mass in nursing homes; To visit the elderly and sick in homes and institutions; To lead rosary groups and prayer groups; To conduct prison ministry; To Catechesis and teach religious education; To be extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist; To make and distribute rosaries; To make personal contacts and distribute sacramentals and religious literature.
Lumen Institute
Local Contact
Bob Stone
Tel: (203) 249-2768
Basic Charism
Lumen’s Mission is to enhance the character, faith, and leadership skills of today’s business and cultural leaders through guided training and education.
Magnificat: A Ministry to Catholic Women
Local Contact
Carol Flynn, Coordinator
Tel: (203) 775-3875
By attending a Magnificat meal, a woman hears the witness of another woman at her table or as a speaker and is encouraged to stay the course of faith during difficult times. At a Magnificat meal, we give praise to God in song, in scripture and in prayerful teachings that lift our spirits. It is truly a wonderful opportunity for women to meet and greet other women as Mary did when she greeted Elizabeth. It is awesome to witness the transformation of women from when they come into the breakfast and when they leave. There is such love in the room and we all become Sister’s in Christ. After hearing a testimony of one’s life it gives the listener hope and joy that God is ever so present in their own life.
Basic Charism
The Charisms of Magnificat are Marian, Charismatic and Evangelical.
Marian Community of Reconciliation
Local Contact
Daniela Neuenschwander
Tel: (310) 358-0819
Basic Charism
The members of the Marian Community of Reconciliation are consecrated lay women, called to be fully available for the apostolate by living community life and the commitments of obedience, celibacy and the sharing of goods. Their mission takes part in five areas: Youth, Family, the Culture of Life, the solidarity with the most needy and the Evangelization of our culture.
Missionaries de Jesus
Local Contact
Adan Dota
Tel: (203) 300-0798
National Council of Catholic Women
National Website
Local Website
Local Contact
Geri Kogut
Currently the Bridgeport Diocese has one NCCW Affiliate: St Joseph CCW in Danbury and two individual members. Bishop Caggiano was quoted as saying….don’t leave any Catholic behind.”
NCCW wants to say…”We don’t want to, leave any Catholic Woman behind.”
Basic Charism
To support, empower and educate all Catholic women in Spirituality, leadership and service.
Neocatechumenal Way
International website
National Website
Local Contacts:
Sacred Heart Parish, Stamford CT
Father Alfonso Picone
Tel: (203) 324-9544
St. Margaret Shrine, Bridgeport CT
Father Giandomenico Flora
Tel: (203) 333-9627
Jose Vasquez
Tel: (347) 886-2783
Steve and Neidy Hanley
Tel: (508) 494-3403
Basic Charism
The Neocatechumenate is an instrument at the service of the Bishops for the rediscovery of Christian initiation by baptized adults. Within the parish, the Neocatechumenate is lived in a small community, since the complete or common form for the Christian initiation of adults is communitarian. The model of the neocatechumenal community is the Holy Family of Nazareth, the historical place where the Word of God, made man, becomes adult, growing “in wisdom, age and grace”.
Our Mother of Sorrows Secular Discalced Carmelite Community
Local Contact:
Donata Marcus
Tel: (203) 913-7218
Local Ministry:
Prayer is the apostolate of our Discalced Carmelite community.
Basic Charism
To strive, by recollection and study, to grow in prayer, to know God so we can make Him known.
Regnum Christi NY Tri-State
International website
Local Website
Local Contact:
Mary Therrell
Tel: (914) 984-7376
Hope Hirshorn
Tel: (914) 984-7376
Our Mission: Regnum Christi, a Christ-centered spirituality, lived in communion with its members and the Catholic Church, seeks to build the Kingdom of Christ on earth by igniting hearts with the love of Christ and transforming the culture.
St. Serra Vocations Ministry of Bridgeport

Local Contact:
Thomas Field, President
Tel: (203) 858-8207
Basic Charism
The St. Serra Vocations Ministry of Bridgeport (formerly the Serra Club of Bridgeport) is the Diocese’s local presence of an international lay organization dedicated to the furtherance of vocations. It was chartered by Bishop Caggiano at a Mass in April of 2015. The Serra Ministry welcomes new members to work on the encouragement and support of young men and women in their pursuit of the priesthood and religious life.
Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement
International website
National WebsiteLocal Website
Local Contact:
Charles Paternina
Tel: (203) 622-3189
Basic Charism
Includes spiritual formation through consecration to Mary and deep commitment with her task as co-redemptrix. This consecration-commitment is called Covenant of Love.
Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta
International website
National Website
Local Website
Local Contacts
Southern/western CT area chairs
Cece and Mike Donoghue
Tel: (203) 656-3195
Basic Charism
To glorify God by promoting the sanctification of each member through his or her work with the sick and the poor and defense of the Catholic faith.
The Order of Secular Franciscans
There are three Secular Franciscan Fraternities in the Diocese of Bridgeport:
- The Holy Spirit Fraternity, at St. Anthony of Padua in Fairfield. Meeting on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30am.
- Sacred Heart Fraternity, at Sacred Heart Church in Danbury. Meeting on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:00am, following 8:00am Mass.
- St. Mary of the Angels Fraternity, at the Convent of St. Birgitta in Darien. Meeting on the 4th Sunday of each month after 9:00am Mass.
Local Contacts:
The Holy Spirit Fraternity
Fran Karpiej, OFS, Minister
Tel: (203) 452-7040
Sacred Heart of Jesus Fraternity
Anne Marie and George DeStefano, OFS, Minister
Tel: (203) 740-8561
St. Mary of the Angels Fraternity
Carol Gabriel, OFS, Minister
Tel: (203) 853-2488
Basic Charism
To radically live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in penance, humility, and to work for peace and justice.
The Third Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel
International website
National Website
Local Contact
Sandra Masso
Provincial Delegate for Lay Carmelites
Tel: (203) 929-7128
Basic Charism
The Carmelite charism has three elements: prayer with a focus on contemplation, fraternity, and service.
Voluntas Dei
Local Contact:
Patricia and Dan Buckley
Tel: (203) 240-9011
Email: or
Basic Charism
To share in Christ’s mission and be attuned to the needs of a World which is divided and torn apart. Being a peacemaker calls one to very concrete action for bringing forgiveness, reconciliation, unity, fraternal communion, and harmonious relationships.
Walking with Purpose
International website
Local Website
Local Contact:
Julie Ricciardi Co-Chair
Tel: (203) 536-1624
Local Ministry:
Leadership Training Program at Walking with Purpose provides an opportunity for women to grow in confidence and competence so they can take their place as agents of change in a world that desperately needs the touch of Christ. (1) Equips women to draw others to a relationship with Christ – effectively evangelizing those in the pew and beyond; (2) Teaches women that leading with love is the most powerful way to draw others to Christ; (3) Helps leaders better engage with a culture that has become disillusioned with Christianity and Catholicism.
Basic Charism
Walking with Purpose enables women to know Christ through Scripture.