TRUMBULL—On March 25, the Fraternas (Marian Community of Reconciliation) will mark the 24th anniversary of their founding with a Thanksgiving Mass. All are invited to attend this special Mass, to be held at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Trumbull at 7 pm. Bishop Frank J. Caggiano will be the principal celebrant.
MCR is a Society of Apostolic Life for women, founded on March 25, 1991, in the Archdiocese of Lima, Peru. The order was blessed with immediate growth and was able to send members to serve in the Diocese of Bridgeport. The first Fraternas arrived in this diocese on November 11, 2005, in response to an invitation from Bishop William E. Lori. Their mission was to evangelize and catechize, focusing on an apostolate to the youth of Fairfield County.
Fraternas live in community and are fully committed to their apostolate of evangelization. Each member of the order totally consecrates her life to God, following the example of Our Blessed Mother.
As lay women—living in the world—the MCR mission requires its members to discover creative ways to transmit the faith to others. Fraternas help the laity to recognize their own call to evangelize, forming “apostles of apostles” who can announce the Gospel to others.
The fire that “fuels” the MCR apostolate is the deep and personal encounter of each member with Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ alone, the Fraternas find their inspiration. With the help of God’s grace, they respond to Christ’s call to “go out into the whole world and proclaim the Good News.”
Think you may have a calling to join the Fraternas? Please visit or e-mail