Dear Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua:

It has been nearly nine months since the untimely death of Father John Baran, your beloved pastor. In the months that followed, I am grateful that the parish has continued to move forward because of the deeply rooted ministry and strong involvement of the laity developed during Father Baran’s time as pastor. I have also spent a great deal of time in prayer and discernment, which included two meetings with the leadership of the parish, to discern who should follow Father Baran as your pastoral leader.

We are at a very particular moment in the history of our Diocese, and indeed, within our Church. As I travel throughout Fairfield County, it has become apparent to me that many lay women and men are seeking new ways to serve their parishes, and, in collaboration with the clergy, to create vibrant and thriving communities.

That is why I have made the decision to appoint Dr. Eleanor W. Sauers as Parish Life Coordinator of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, effective January 1, 2019.

Working with a team of priests who will provide the sacramental ministries at St. Anthony, Eleanor will have decision-making authority in the parish. She will continue to oversee the day-to-day operations of the parish, as she has done so capably over these last months. Her responsibilities, as it is with any priest or deacon appointed as Administrator, is to work with the parish community to develop and foster its pastoral vision and mission. She will continue to be present to the parish in times of celebration and sadness. Her education, formation, and experience makes her professionally, academically, and spiritually ready for this role.

The role of a Parish Life Coordinator is one that is supported in Canon law. My decision to ask Eleanor to take on this model of ministry, the first of its kind for a lay woman in this Diocese, is based on several factors.

  • The uniqueness of this parish community;
  • My deep appreciation for the work that Eleanor has already done here; and
  • The precedent in other Dioceses across the country for this model of pastoral leadership.

Your responsibility, as the community of St. Anthony of Padua, will be to support Eleanor, the priests who will provide the sacramental ministries, and the lay leadership of your parish.

I want to take a moment to thank all those priests who have supported this community through Father Baran’s illness and over the last nine months since his death. A very particular thank you must be extended to Father Michael Boccaccio who has served here generously, in addition to his other role in the Diocese as Director of the Propagation of Faith.

I pledge to you my support for Eleanor and for your parish. I have every confidence that Eleanor will build upon the good work of Father Baran and will help this community to thrive and grow into the future.

Please join me in praying for Eleanor as she steps boldly into a new role as Parish Life Coordinator of St. Anthony of Padua Parish. Be assured of my continued prayers for each of you, and your wonderful parish family.

With kindest personal regards, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano
Bishop of Bridgeport

The St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Council #16347 of Fairfield is pleased to announce that Braden Moore, pictured above, has won the 14 year old division of the Knights of Columbus State Free Throw Competition, held on April 8th at St. Paul’s High School in Bristol.

DANBURY—Student-athletes from Immaculate High School signed with colleges to run cross country/track & field or play college football, baseball, basketball, golf or lacrosse at a special signing ceremony recently.

TRUMBULL—Two students from St. Theresa School won top honors at the Regional Woodsman Speech Contest. Eighth grader Olivia Lieby and seventh grader Vishnu Kumar competed in the annual Woodsman Oration Contest held at St. Rose of Lima School in Newtown on May 15. Six area Catholic Schools were represented. Vishnu took first place and Olivia won second place.

St. Ann Third Grade – Students in St. Ann’s School in Black Rock were visited by Catholic Center employees who read them stories, worked on Math problems and and talked about writing. In the photo above, boys and girls inMrs. Baldwin’s Third Grade class enjoy hearing about how Fairfield County Catholic is put together each month!

STRATFORD—Students at St. Mark School in Stratford, grades kindergarten through sixth, have begun preparations for their entries into the New England Science and Sailing (NESS), 2018 Long Island Sound drawing contest. Winners of the contest will get their drawing published in the annual NESS “Long Island Sound & Its Watershed” calendar sponsored by the Dominion Foundation.

BROOKFIELD—Diocesan Schools Superintendent Dr. Steven Cheeseman and St. Joseph School Taskforce members unveiled plans for the new school model at a meeting attended by parents and educators last night at St. Joseph Church.

TRUMBULL—This year, the middle school and fourth grade students at St. Theresa School honored those who dedicated their lives to our nation on Veterans Day. This is the third year that the students had been involved in the project, which was initiated by middle school theology teacher John Agostino. The students dedicated a large portion of their day to learning about our nation’s veterans.

CAMDEN—The night groups arrive in Camden, they watch a recent documentary, Pyne Point, which tells the story of Camden through the eyes of the North Camden Little League. This was the second time I had seen this film, but watching it again on Thursday evening, I was as captivated as last year, as I feel it tells the story of Camden’s many struggles so well, Read More ››

BROOKFIELD – Taskforce and sub-committee members have begun reviewing specific details and plans for the new “multi-age” teaching model at St. Joseph School, said Dr. Steven Cheeseman, Superintendent of Catholic Schools.

NORWALK—This year St. Philip Parish, in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services, will be hosting a FOODFAST fundraiser, Saturday, February 24 from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm. The theme for this year is “Be the Change” and our day will kick off with a peace march and reflections from Mayor Harry Rilling and Senator Bob Duff.

FAIRFIELD—Notre Dame High School recently received two grants from Foundations in Education. Foundations in Education is a non-profit initiative created to assist the Diocese of Bridgeport’s ongoing mission to support Catholic education in Fairfield County Read More ››

DANBURY—Honoring veterans for their sacrifice and service has always been a tradition at Immaculate High School (IHS). This year the school held a special tribute and created a Hill of Honor to show its appreciation for its alumni, staff and family members, and members of the general community, who have served to protect and defend us.

DANBURY—It’s been an amazing fall athletics season for Immaculate High School in Danbury, which has won two SWC championship titles and one State championship so far this year.

EASTON—A group from of Notre Dame of Easton parish visited three local Sacred Sites In Litchfield County on Thursday, October 12th.