Bishop’s statement on Dr. Steven Cheeseman’s appointment to the National Catholic Education Association

Statement by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano

Re:  Dr. Steven Cheeseman selected to lead NCEA

June 6,  2024

The appointment of Dr. Steven Cheeseman as the new President and CEO of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) is a great gain for Catholic education across the United States. While he will be much missed in our diocese, we wish him well in this challenging and important new role. We are immensely grateful for the work he and his team have accomplished during his eight-year tenure as Superintendent of our Catholic schools.

Under his leadership, we have seen continued growth in enrollment, innovation in personalized learning, and further strengthening of the core values of our Catholic schools at a time when we are working toward the overall renewal of the diocese.

Among his many achievements, Dr. Cheeseman kept our Catholic schools open and safe throughout the COVID-19 crisis. He also played a key role in moving our schools toward a new governance structure that expands resources and community involvement. Through his efforts, our nearly 9,000 elementary and high school students have thrived, achieving high test scores and continuing their education.

Dr. Cheeseman began his tenure in 2016 by leading a long-term strategic plan that has successfully guided our schools through a period of change and challenge. His ability to work with others and his “big picture” vision will be a tremendous resource for the NCEA.

Above all, I am most grateful that he has led our schools as a man of deep faith with a strong commitment to the mission of Catholic education as it enters a new era. He has remained focused on helping our students, parents, and staff encounter the Lord in meaningful ways that last a lifetime.

Together with many dedicated board members, administrators, teachers, and parents, Dr. Cheeseman has worked tirelessly to ensure that our Catholic schools are not simply excellent private schools, but first and foremost faith-based learning communities that form, inform, and transform lives. They create the next generation of leaders in the Church and in the larger community. As we transition to new leadership, this focus and effort will continue, building on the great work of Dr. Cheeseman and our entire dedicated Catholic schools’ team and community.