Planned Allocation of 2025 Annual Bishop's Appeal Funds
Each year, the Diocese of Bridgeport assesses its financial resources, the needs of parishioners and its ability to respond effectively and with compassion.
A full allocation breakdown will be posted here shortly.
Planned Allocation of 2025 Annual Bishop's Appeal Funds
Each year, the Diocese of Bridgeport assesses its financial resources, the needs of parishioners and its ability to respond effectively and with compassion.
The Institute for Catholic Formation provides opportunities for all to learn more about their faith, and specifically for ministry leaders to grow in their awareness and ability to accompany others.
On average, each year the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund provides 1,300 students with tuition assistance at diocesan Catholic elementary schools, transforming students’ lives across Fairfield County.
Tuition assistance is provided to inner-city students in need at the Catholic Academy of Bridgeport.
Seminarians are educated and discern their calling in preparation for the priesthood at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia; St. Joseph Seminary, Yonkers; St. John XXIII Seminary in Weston, MA; and Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Stamford.
Priests are provided with ongoing development through graduate studies in canon law, liturgy, music, Church history and other areas.
Deacons share their gifts of faith, hope and love in bringing people closer to Christ in parish communities and ministries. Your gift supports training for men in formation to the Diaconate.
- Institute for Catholic Formation (Face of Prayer, Childhood Faith Formation, Pastoral Support) $467,250
- Ministry for Youth – Post-Confirmation Formation $143,000
- Formation of Seminarians and Priests $1,041,500
- Formation of Deacons $275,000
- Vicar Stipends $21,500
- Bishop Scholarship Fund $700,000
- Catholic Academies of Bridgeport $300,000
- Communications $643,250
- Veritas Catholic Network $50,000
Catholic Charities helps the needy and most vulnerable of all faiths to permanently improve their lives and enable families to rise up out of poverty, overcome barriers, and achieve self-sufficiency and independence.
Saint Catherine Center for Special Needs provides academic, spiritual and life skill programs for children and adults with disabilities.
Priests and Deacons provide pastoral care for the sick and elderly in nursing homes and hospitals.
- Catholic Charities of Fairfield County $500,000
- St. Catherine Center for Special Needs $200,000
- Nursing Homes $462,000
- Pastoral Care of the Sick and Elderly $429,000
- Priests Assigned by Special Ministries $90,000
- Respect Life $18,000
The Ambassador Program is an invitational ministry. Ambassadors invite Catholics to a greater involvement in the life of their parishes, attendance at Sunday Mass and, if needed they offer personal accompaniment to address those issues that are stumbling blocks to active participation in the life of the Church.
The Sacred Heart Guild exists to promote and foster Beauty in the Arts by inspiring an encounter with Christ through pilgrimages, workshops, concerts and talks organized under four ‘pillars’; Sacred Music, Art, Sacred Architecture and Literature. The Guild focuses on the needs of young people in our diocese in promoting authentic Catholic culture.
Parishes that are pastorally vibrant and experiencing financial challenges receive emergency assistance.
The mission of the Seton Collaborative is to establish an operational and ministerial support network to promote growth and ministerial innovation in parishes and schools by providing expertise, mission driven personnel, high quality innovative programs and effective and efficient infrastructure support.
Retired priests receive ongoing health care, and those living at the Catherine Dennis Keefe Queen of the Clergy Residence in Stamford reside in a comfortable and prayerful living environment.
- Support of Retired Priests $1,101,000
- Stephen Ministries $30,000
- Seton Collaborative $166,000
- Campus Ministry and Young Adult Support $135,000
- Choir Director $67,000
- Tribunal and Safe Environment $485,000
- Guilds $100,000
Fundraising Expenses $575,000