The Art of Prayer
Since I was a little boy, my mother always made it a point to teach my sister and I how to cook. Cooking as an art demands the right ingredients, a good recipe, patience, and hard work.
When we reflect on prayer, it is somewhat the same thing. Prayer demands work, and time, and having the right ingredients. I invite you to watch this week’s video about prayer, and I ask that you send me your feedback once you have.
Please do not forget to follow us on social media! The Diocese of Bridgeport accounts share many events, reflections, and pictures, and I post daily reflections on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Have a wonderful weekend,
-Bishop Frank
We want to hear from you.
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Bishop Frank J. Caggiano Reaches The Young With Heart
Of all of the headliners billed for last month’s World Youth Day Unite in Washington, D.C., I was guessing that the two musicians — Audrey Assad and Tony Melendez — were the biggest draw for the young pilgrims who traveled to the St. John Paul II National Shrine.
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St. Joseph Students Create Their Own DESTINY
DANBURY—A group of elementary school students at St. Joseph School in Danbury had a vision of writing and performing in their very own school production. In May of 2016, they set to work on writing an original play that they hoped would one day be performed on the St. Joseph School stage.
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Msgr. Kohut, 98, Former Pastor Of St. Matthew
NORWALK—Msgr. Joseph Kohut died on August 5 at Notre Dame Convalescent Home in Norwalk. He was 98 years old.
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